Sunday, 1 November 2015

NEWS | Week beginning October 26th | Games being blamed yet again , Ratchet & Clank PS4 & NUK3TOWN

Heeellllllllllllllooooooooooooo wonderful people, it's that time of the week again! Let's get right into it!

Games getting the blame again...

First up, we have a bit of a frustrating story. Earlier this week, UK broadband and telephone provider TalkTalk we hacked, meaning thousands of people had their account information and payment details stolen.

Now of course, as soon as the Media discovers a teenager is behind it, they automatically assume that the crime committed was due to video games.
The front page of Wednesday's
Daily Mail
According to The Daily Mail, the 15 year old who was arrested for for hacking TalkTalk was a "violent video game addict" who wanted to be a professional Call of Duty player. The paper also went to look at the kids blog, which was not included in the article, and used it accuse him of being "obessed with violent video games such as Grand Theft Auto".

Apparently, the kid "spent hours playing violent video games such as Call of Duty, Resident Evil and GTA since the age of 10."

Obviously, games like GTA, Resident Evil, CoD, etc are violent, there's no denying that. That's why those types of games are given a 16+ PEGI rating, as well as warnings due to their violent, sexual, etc content. Games like these should be kept away from people who may be considered to be more vulnerable/impressionable.

UKIE CEO Dr Jo Twist told Eurogamer recently:

"There is no link between addiction or antisocial behaviour and playing games as part of a balanced diet of entertainment. Games are played by millions of people safely and sensibly every day and the games industry takes its responsibility towards players, especially younger ones, seriously.
"Just like any other mature medium, games deal with adult themes, but the PEGI age ratings are robust and there to guide parents and children around what content is appropriate for different ages."
Finally, someone who understands! As you can probably tell, stories like this really infuriate me. I am a gaming enthusiast, I have both a blog and a YouTube channel, therefore, I am going to be on the side of gaming. Yes, violent video games can affect and leave an impression on younger and more vulnerable gamers. However, I feel it is totally unfair that video games always get the blame in these sitautions. There are other factors involved too you know! Bloody tabloid newspapers...

Ratchet & Clank PS4

Next up, PS2 classic Ratchet & Clank is having a slight remastering/reboot on the PS4, alongside the release of a Ratchet & Clank movie, and I must say, it looks fanastic!

Sony are currently at Playstation Paris Games Week, and one of the games they were showing off to attendees was the new Ratchet & Clank. Not much footage has been revealed, but the footage I've seen looks great! Reminds me of a simpler time.

The first new clip I saw was Clank traversing the vents in Drek Industries. You see the classic beige boxes that give you bolts when smashed, as well as the nanotech containers. A few seconds later however, you see the bots from Going Commando. The little bridge bots, and the one with the big hammer. Remember them? Just me? Okay then.
The footage ends with a boss battle, with Clank destroying some henchman bots and capturing the antagonist in a magnetic box.

The second clip I saw was back on Pokitaru, the sunny seaside settlement. Again, very reminiscent of the original Ratchet & Clank's, the upset holiday music, bright vibrant settings, and of course, the Omniwrench. We see another mini boss battle early on, facing some giant squid-octopus creature. It then transitions into Ratchet defeating enemies with the new Pixelizer, and it ends with some dogfighting in the skies of Pokitaru. It all looked wonderful. 

I'm personally so happy Insomniac decided to reboot the Ratchet & Clank series on the PS4. Yes, we got a remastering a couple years back on the PS3, but I think it will be cool to see the series in a new light on the PS4! Roll on 2016!

Here are the clips I was referencing earlier. The first is the Clank gameplay:

and this one is the Pokitaru gameplay:


Finally, it wouldn't be a Black Ops game if there was no Nuketown.

During Treyarch's last livestream, streaming, of course, Black Ops 3, Treyarch showed off gameplay on the new Nuketown, appropriately named, 'Nuk3Town'. Get it, because it's the third Black Ops, so, instead of an 'e', they put a '3' instead. Alright then.

Not much else has been said regarding Nuk3Town, not that much really needs to be said about it. Playstation did release a trailer for the map on Friday. I'll leave the trailer below.

Nuk3Town has been confirmed as a pre-order bonus for the PS4, Xbox One and PC.

And that is all for this week. How are you feeling after reading todays news update?
Do you find it unfair that games always get the blame? Are you as impressed as I am after watching the Ratchet & Clank gameplay? Will be pre-ording Blops 3 for Nuk3Town?

Let me know in the comments down below!

As always, thanks for reading!

Connor :)

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