Sunday, 8 November 2015

NEWS | Week beginning November 2nd | FALLOUT SPECIAL

Sooooo, if you've been following my blog you'll know that I am a HUGE Fallout fan. Even if you're new here, or if you've been living under a rock, you'll know that Fallout 4 is coming out Tuesday. Therefore, to celebrate, I will be covering all the major Fallout news of the week, and believe me, there has been some big Fallout related stories this week!

Yet another GAME blunder

First up, UK video game retailer GAME has yet again, had another blunder, however, unlike last time, LOADS of people are furious.

As you all well know, Fallout 4 is coming on Tuesday (omg), so, much like me, most gamers are hyped. Today, GAME may have ruined a lot of peoples plans for next Tuesday...

Early on Friday morning, GAME sent out emails to a huge number of people who had pre-ordered the Pip-Boy Edition of the game, telling them their order had been cancelled. Unfortunately for us in the UK, the Pip-Boy Edition of Fallout 4 is only available through GAME, meaning if you wanted it, GAME was your only option.

Customers received an email in the early hours of this morning stating that:

"We have tried to process your order and have hit a few issues," 
"Unfortunately your bank has come back to us and they have not allowed the payment to go through. For your security and privacy they do not share the reasons with us.
"We do know that they usually reject payments for some of the following reasons: Billing address does not match registered card address. Sufficient funds not available. Card expired/out of date.
"What this means is that we cannot collect payment or ship your order right now. Please contact Customer Service on 02088270099 and we will replace your order for you."
As you can probably imagine, A LOT of people were p*ssed. Here are some angry comments that the GAME twitter account received when the emails were sent out (comments collected by NeoGAF:

As you can see, everyone is mad.

GAME has recently come out and stated that the issue was caused by an error within the company's own ordering system. Hundreds of unhappy customers have been trying to contact GAME Support to see what is going on, with some people waiting over 90 minutes for a response. When people did eventually get a response, they were told that GAME would be contacting affected customers and will arrange a new order - with no delivery time given.

UPDATE: GAME has come out and said that anyone who has pre-ordered the Pip-Boy Edition of Fallout 4 will still get their order and no Pip-Boy Editions will be put up for general sale. All is good then!

Fallout gets a launch trailer

Next up in this Fallout Special, the game received a shiny new launch trailer late last week.

With the game being two days away, it was only right that we celebrate the soon to be release of the game with a nifty trailer. 
Now, as the trailer contains some potential spoilers for the game, (no one has the game yet so who knows) I'm not going to go through it and talk abut every little detail. I will however pick out my three favourite things from the trailer and talk about them a little! (I will add a link to each of the clips in the header of each paragraph).

  1. The airship - Now as a Fallout fan I have watched every trailer that has come out for the game since it's reveal in the summer. We've seen the airship before, floating around in one of the early trailers,  I believe this is the first time we have seen it up-close. The clip only lasts for around a second, however, it's cool to see it up close and moving around. You can see some sort of crane moving around on the left side of the airship, as well as some people moving around on it. To what purpose the airship has or what the people are doing on the ship I don't know, however, it looks cool none-the-less and I'm sure it will feature in a big way during the story of the game!
  2. Settlements in action - Settlements! One of the big additions to Fallout 4. Many speculate that
    the idea to add settlements came from the Skyrim DLC Hearthfire, and honestly, I think it is a good idea! In Hearthfire, you could build you're own house, but it looks like Bethesda are going to take it to another level in Fallout 4! Yes, Bethesda showed settlements off before in other trailers, however, it looks as if the settlement in the trailer is under some heavy fire by a Behemoth! You can also the female variant of the Sole Survivor, as well as some other guards. In my opinion, I think that settlements could be a very important part of the game, and the fact that this particular settlement is under attack suggests that you could be spending a lot of time at your settlements upgrading them and ensuring they can look after themselves while you're out exploring the wastes!
  3. Androids - Yes. Androids. They are scary looking, and by the sounds of it, they will be playing
    a big part in the game. Hopefully they all don't look as scary as this guy, with the bright yellow eyes and such, cause' that guy is scary. In Fallout 3, you may remember a quest called 'The Replicated Man' where a character going by the name of Dr Zimmer asks you to hunt down an android aboard Rivet City, who has had his memory wiped. This Dr Zimmer goes on to talk about the Commonwealth and 'The Institute'. Both of these come up in the lauch trailer, suggesting that these androids will play a big part of the game, so look forward to androids. Great.

Yet more leaks

And finally, to wrap up this Fallout Special, we end on leaks. No not the vegetable, I'm talking about things being revealed that shouldn't be revealed by people who shouldn't have these things.

In a way, leaks are both great and not great. They're great because us eager fans who are desperate to play the game can see a glimpse of what to expect. Also, leaks get people hyped. If people aren't so excited for something, leaks can get people hyped and ready for the game. 

However, if you helped create the game, a leak will suck. You've worked so hard to create something then some random guy on the internet comes and spreads it all online. That sucks big time.

As a consumer and a fan of Fallout, these leaks were, in a way, exciting. Both gameplay footage and images were leaked, and you can view the images by clicking here and the footage by clicking here, just don't by surprised if they've been taken down. Also, both the images and the footage may contain spoliers, so be careful.

Anyway, as a fan, I obviously wanted to see some stuff from the game. I looked at the images, just to see what I could expect. You could see some scenery, some buildings, a car, etc, etc. In all honestly, there isn't much there. In a way, it's just a ltittle tease. The ganeplay however, if you want to go into Fallout blind, then stay well away. I can't say anything about the footage as Bethesda could well hunt we down and remove this very post, but as I said, if you don't care about spoilers or anything, click the links.

It's unfortunate that these leaks have happened. In a way, it can ruin the game for some as people will find ways to pick apart the game and crap on every little thing wrong with the gameplay. However, there is hype. We all love hype. Right?

Anyway, that's it for this Fallout Special! There's been the GAME blunder that they've now fixed, the great launch trailer and leaks. It's been an eventful week! From when this post goes up, we'll only have another day to wait before we have Fallout in our hands!
Are you excited and looking forward to it, or has it been over hyped? Let me know in the comments down below!

As always, thanks for reading!

Connor :)

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