First up, GTA 5, the hugely successfully sandbox-action game, has passed 5 million physical sales in the UK.
There ain't no stopping GTA! |
GTA V can unarguably be considered as one of the most successful video games to ever be released, and with the release of DLC and constant updates, we can expect the figure of 50 million to rise still.
Well done Rockstar!
Next up, a new Need for Speed game has been announced. EA has confirmed a new Need for Speed game has begun development and the game is expected to be released in Autumn 2015. The game has been pitched as a 'full-reboot' and will feature 'deep' customisation, urban car culture and an immersive narrative that will stretch throughout the game.
"I'm in me mums car. Broom Broom..." |
The last NfS game I remember playing was NfS Carbon. I always used to use the Mazda RX8 in a orangey/red colour. The races in the game were thoroughly enjoyable. even if I wasn't very good at them! It's good to hear that a new NfS is being released. We haven't seen a NfS game in a while so it'll be refreshing to see another game in the series!
Here's the teaser trailer if you haven't already seen it:
Too soon? |
An advertisement has been uncovered for a senior game programmer, which states that Sony requires assistance in "developing a game used for research and development purposes related to our next generation gaming system".
Although it may seem like Sony could simply be hiring programmers to help increase the PS4 experience, the fact that they said "our next generation gaming system" gives theimpression that they are talking about something new altogether.
Would you welcome another new console? The next/current generation of consoles were only released in 2013, yet we're already seeing rumors of new consoles in the works. What would you like to see in the PS5?
Sorry it's a short one this week. With my exams upcoming I have loads of revision/work/coursework to get done. As soon as my exams are done, normal service will resume!
Thanks for reading!
Connor :)
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