The previous-generation consoles will still get zombies though... |
"The ambitious scope of the 1-4 player co-op Campaign design of the PS4, Xbox One and PC versions could not be faithfully recreated on old generation hardware". They went on to say that:
"Other features built to leverage the next generation hardware like the new Weapon Paint Shop and the new suite of eSports tools will only be available on Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC."
Activision are basically saying that the previous-generation consoles wouldn't be able to handle what Activision has in store for Black Ops 3. The campaign has been designed and developed for the current-generation of consoles, meaning those of us who still play on the older consoles are going to be left out.
This leads me to todays question, 'Is it fair that us who still play the previous-generation of consoles are being left out?'
Another example of this is in the popular football game series, FIFA. In previous iterations of the game, everyone, no matter what console, could play the popular game-mode 'Pro Clubs'. In this game-mode, you can create your own virtual player and virtual club, and take them to the top. However, In FIFA 15, last years iteration of the game, the Pro Clubs game-mode was removed from previous-generation consoles, and as EA stated in a blog post last August:
That game-mode that never was... for the previous generations |
Okay, so first of all, the limitations of the consoles. I understand that the previous-generation of consoles aren't as high tech as the Xbox One and PS4. This doesn't mean that you have to remove one of the biggest game-modes from the game. Gamers will understand if it isn't as high-res as it's current-generation counterpart, just make visually less impressive. As a fan of the FIFA series, I'd much rather be able to play a crappier version of Pro Clubs than not be able to play it at all.
Next, time and resources. They are obviously going to be focusing on the current-generation versions of the game, as they are likely to make EA more money, and EA are a business, so making money is a top proiority. However, the fact that they are saying they do not have enough time shows that the previous-generation consoles are no longer a concern for EA, which, again, I find is wrong. How hard can it be to implement a simpler version of a game-mode. Just 'copy & paste' from last years game. I mean, EA have been doing this for years anyway, whats the problem with doing it another year?
Some of us cannot afford a new £300-£400 console, and we have to rely on our ol'faithful 360 or PS3, and we shouldn't be made to pay or left out because of it.
Maybe one day... |
So, to conclude, I think it's unbelievable that the older consoles are being left out. Make eveything equal and give all gamers the same features and such. Some of us cannot afford newer consoles, and the fact that we are being forgotten about is absurd.
How do you guys feel about this? Do you agree with me or do you disagree with me? Let me know in the comments down below!
Thanks for reading!
Connor :)
P.S. Sorry for not posting a news update this week. The news has been super slow and nothing noteworthy has been announced or reported. Hopefully the news will start flowing again next week!